Bitcoin and Crypto Mining Software for Tesla V100 16GB and 1080Ti 11GB
Welcome to the second of a 2-part series on the best Bitcoin and CryptoCurrency mining software for 2020.
If you didn’t see it yet, I suggest you go and check the first part here.
It covered various GUI mining apps and their performance when mining with 10 x 1080Ti 11GB.
Where the first part stopped, the second will continue.
In the same fashion, we’re going to test Kryptex, Cudo Miner, BetterHash, Computta, Honey Miner, and CryptoTab Browser.
But this time, it will last twice less(10 minutes instead of 20 per mining app) and we’re going to use 8 x Tesla V100 16GB.
Once we gather the data, we will be able to pick our best Bitcoin mining software for Tesla V100 16GB, and then we’re going to compare that data with the previous one(the best Bitcoin mining software for 1080Ti 11GB).
Exciting? Let’s go:
How did I test the Tesla V100 16GB mining performance?
The first article does a good intro on how this all happened, so I’ll try keeping this one simple.
In a nutshell, the server I used for testing has the following specs:
Node type 2 $12/h
8x Nvidia Tesla V100 16GB
– CPU: 2x Intel Xeon E5-4627 2.6 GHz
– RAM: 128 GB
– OctaneBench 4: 2978
For each of the six apps, I downloaded, installed, and configured it.
Once it was ready- I took a screenshot of the current BTC price and app mining performance.
10 minutes later, another screenshot followed and that’s the primary data used in this test.
In other words, each app had 10 minutes to do its best with 8 x Nvidia Tesla V100 16GB graphic cards.
The aim was simple- find the best Bitcoin mining software to mine with Tesla V100.
So that’s what I did:
Bitcoin mining with Kryptex on 8x Nvidia Tesla V100 16GB
No surprises here. Even with new and advanced GPU such as V100 16GB, the download, installation, benchmarking, setup, and mining all went very smoothly and without a single issue.
Average BTC price during mining: ($10120+$10127)/2 = $10124
Monthly estimated earnings: $449.65
Daily estimated earnings: $14.99
Earned during mining: 0.00001513 BTC = $0.15
Crypto mining screenshots(Kryptex & Tesla V100)
- Kryptex Ready to Mine
- Kryptex Start
- Kryptex End
Bitcoin mining with Cudo Miner on 8x Nvidia Tesla V100 16GB
With limited time we can get only limited results.
And unlike testing with 1080Ti, this time Cudo Miner spent 10 minutes optimizing and starting the process.
Besides that, the process was smooth, but I had to wait and present the mining earnings that happened during optimization.
Furthermore, this caused no monthly nor daily estimation, so all calculations happened based on earnings made during optimization(which isn’t optimal but that’s what we have).
Average BTC price during mining: ($10113 + $10106)/2 = $10110
Monthly estimated earnings: $8.64 * 30 = $260
Daily estimated earnings: $0.06 * 6 * 24 = $8.64
Earned during mining: 0.00000561 BTC = $0.06
Crypto mining screenshots(Cudo Miner & Tesla V100)
- Cudo Miner Optimizing
- Cudo Miner Still Optimizing
Bitcoin mining with BetterHash on 8x Nvidia Tesla V100 16GB
Same as with the mining software test on 1080Ti, the benchmark process was taking quite a while, so as soon as one GPU was processed, I’ve stopped the benchmark and picked the same algorithm for all 8 GPUs.
Everything else went smooth, and the only problem is that due to the way they process the shares, getting exact earnings from this period is impossible.
So same as in the previous test with 1080Ti, I’ve used estimated earnings to predict how much this app made.
Average BTC price during mining: ($10118 + $10107)/2 = $10113
Monthly estimated earnings: ($429 + $483)/2 = $456
Daily estimated earnings: ($13.84 + $15.57)/2 = $14.7
Earned during mining: Unknown. Based on estimated earnings: $14.7/24/6 = $0.10
Crypto mining screenshots(BetterHash & Tesla V100)
- BetterHash Benchmark
- BetterHash Start
- BetterHash End
Bitcoin mining with Honey Miner on 8x Nvidia Tesla V100 16GB
Honey Miner is the biggest disappointment of this 2-part series- period.
I’m not sure if they’re lacking support for newer Nvidia graphic cards or if something else is going on.
The server was the same for all apps, and Honey was the only app to make $0 out of it.
RIP Honey Miner.
Average BTC price during mining: $0
Monthly estimated earnings: $0
Daily estimated earnings: $0
Earned during mining: $0
Crypto mining screenshots(Honey Miner & Tesla V100)
- Honey Miner Stuck
- Honey Miner Stuck Again
Bitcoin mining with Computta on 8x Nvidia Tesla V100 16GB
If earnings with Computta were even close to its ease of use, it would be an amazing Bitcoin mining software.
The process of installation and configuration takes the least time in the industry, yet it lacks proper CPU/GPU management and higher profitability.
The initial benchmark estimation was 10x less than Kryptex, which was different compared to testing with 1080Ti.
Bitcoin had a price drop during this test, so the earnings in USD show more at the start than at the end.
For this reason, I had to check earnings in BTC and use that instead.
Average BTC price during mining: ($10091+$10003)/2 = $10047
Monthly estimated earnings: $52.66
Daily estimated earnings: $1.76
Earned during mining: 0.00000078 BTC = $0.0078
Crypto mining screenshots(Computta & Tesla V100)
- Computta Benchmark
- Computta Start
- Computta End
Bitcoin mining with CryptoTab Browser on 8x Nvidia Tesla V100 16GB
CryptoTab is very easy to install and manage, but tests on 1080Ti showed it lacks the professionalism of other mining apps.
Once again, this proved right.
Given 8 beasts called Tesla V100 16GB, CryptoTab wasn’t up to the task of using their maximum potential.
Tests are time-limited, and this app can probably do better, but this wasn’t the case today.
Average BTC price during mining: ($9824 + $9700)/2 = $9762
Monthly estimated earnings: $0.4464 * 30 = $13.39
Daily estimated earnings: $0.0031 * 6 * 24 = $0.4464
Earned during mining: 0.00000032 BTC = $0.0031
Crypto mining screenshots(CryptoTab & Tesla V100)
- CryptoTab in action
- CryptoTab mining
Best Bitcoin Mining Software for 8x Nvidia Tesla V100 16GB
Compared with the previous test with 10x Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080Ti 11GB, not much has changed.
The first(Kryptex) won again, followed by BetterHash and Cudo Miner(who switched their positions).
Honey Miner failed one more time, while Computta and CryptoTab showed us they can’t compete with leading Bitcoin mining software.
All in all, it was a nice ride and a pleasant experience to see how two GPU beasts perform on various GUI mining software, especially for Tesla V100 which I didn’t know anything about.
Since we have all of the data, and in the same fashion as the previous part of this series, we’re going to put the data inside a table, for a clean look at mining software performance with Tesla V100:
Mining Software | Monthly estimated earnings | Daily estimated earnings | Earned during mining |
Kryptex | $449.65 | $14.99 | $0.15 |
Cudo Miner | $260 | $8.64 | $0.06 |
Honey Miner | $0 | $0 | $0 |
BetterHash | $456 | $14.7 | $0.10 |
CryptoTab Browser | $13.39 | $0.4464 | $0.0031 |
Computta | $52.66 | $1.76 | $0.0078 |
What happened?
Once again, Kryptex is the winner, holding records for 2 out of 3 categories- daily estimation and real earnings made during this test.
Simply put, I’m happy for them.
As written numerous times before, they are my number 1 pick for Bitcoin mining software, I’m using them for years, they have the biggest variety of payment options and I’ve made thousands with them already.
Kryptex just works. Easy installation and setup, easy mining(with up-to-date algorithms), and easy payments.
BetterHash earnings are hard to track due to their way of counting shares and payment times.
And it also takes a long time for its benchmark to get completed.
But, it does work well and the estimates were up to the industry standards.
In fact, BetterHash got #1 in monthly estimated earnings, and #2 in estimated daily earnings and real earnings made during this test.
This is why BetterHash gets the #2 overall ranking for mining with Tesla V100 16GB.
Cudo Miner was second on the 1080Ti mining test, but this time ended up third.
Still, this result was heavily affected by the time taken to optimize settings(during which it mined), and the time we had was pretty small(10 minutes).
With this in mind, as well that this is the only great mining app that supports Windows, Linux and Mac- be sure to give it a shot.
Honey Miner simply didn’t cope with our test and there’s not much to say about it at this moment.
CryptoTab Browser and Computta tried, but I expected more of them.
Conclusion on Mining Software for 8x Nvidia Tesla V100 16GB and 10 x Nvidia GTX 1080Ti 11GB
This 2-part series took quite some time to write and test.
But I’m happy because I was able to present you a real-world data on the best Bitcoin mining apps.
No test is perfect and this one surely isn’t an exception.
We tested with great graphics cards, and they were in more than enough quantity.
But the timing was pretty low due to expenses, so I had to put a small limit and proceed to draw my conclusions based on that.
Furthermore, there are many more than 2 types of graphics used for mining.
Yet, this should be a good resource for Tesla V100 and GTX 1080Ti owners, as well as anyone interested in Nvidia mining and mining in general.
In the end, let’s combine the data of these two tests into one table and pick the best of the best Bitcoin mining software for 2020:
Mining performance of various software on Tesla V100 and GTX 1080Ti combined
Mining Software | Monthly estimated earnings(Tesla V100/GTX 1080Ti) | Daily estimated earnings(Tesla V100/GTX 1080Ti) | Earned during mining(Tesla V100/GTX 1080Ti) |
Kryptex | $449.65/$322 | $14.99/$10.74 | $0.15/$0.15 |
Cudo Miner | $260/$243 | $8.64/$8.1 | $0.06/$0.17 |
Honey Miner | $0/$0 | $0/$0 | $0/$0 |
BetterHash | $456/$311.21 | $14.7/$10.04 | $0.10/$0.14 |
CryptoTab Browser | $13.39/$8.64 | $0.4464/$0.288 | $0.0031/$0.004 |
Computta | $52.66/$193.56 | $1.76/$6.45 | $0.0078/$0.06 |
Kryptex is an absolute champion, holding 4 out of 6 records.
Cudo Miner comes second, with the highest real earnings on GTX 1080Ti as well support for Windows, Linux, and Mac.
BetterHash proved fairly good with both graphics, getting third place.
Computta gets fourth place, with a note that it seems like they still don’t properly support the new Tesla V100.
This is clearly visible since V100 earnings are much smaller than 1080Ti earnings(and it should be the other way around).
CryptoTab looks nice but lacks serious mining performance.
Honey Miner– what happened with you guys!?